One Hundred Years of Solitude

Colonel Aureliano Buendía

Colonel Aureliano Buendia is the son of Jose Arcadio Buendia. When Colombia gets independence and the country is to make a government, he chose it to be a liberal government opposed to the conservative. He started thirty-two revolutions against the conservative government and lost all of them. Later in life he signed a peace pact with government and returned home. He started making little gold fishes. He died natural death of old age.


Name: Colonel Aureliano Buendía
Father: Jose Arcadio Buendia
Mother: Ursula Iguaran
Cause of Death: Natural
Lover: Pilar Tarnera
Spouse: Remedios Moscote
Generation: Second
Children: Aureliano Jose,
          17 Aurelianos
Relation With Pilar Tarnera

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Reference in other Gabo Works

Colonel Aureliano Buendía is an important character of the book and member of the Buendia family. He was referenced by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and vice versa

No one writer to the colonel

In No one writers to the colonel, the protagonist waits for his pension letter in his old age. He lives alone with his wife. They barely have any money and Old Colonel who fought with Colonel Aureliano Buendía in the civil war now is a cockfighter to earn barely enough for survival.

Colonel Aureliano Buendía says in the novel "They'll die of old age waiting for the mail to come." indicating to the fact which the Old Colonel is going through in the novella "No one writes to the Colonel"