One Hundred Years of Solitude

About the book


The book was published in 1967 in spanish by Colombian novelist Gabriel García Márquez originally titled “Cien años de soledad”. Novel was published in English in 1970 by Harper & Row.


The novel spans around seven generations of the Buendia family. It portrays the downfall of the house because of its passionate family members. The history of the family starts from founding of Macondo by the patriarch of the family Jose Arcadio Buendia, they are the first generation of the Buendia family who start living in Macondo. Their son Colonel Aureliano Buendia becomes a revolutionary soldier and fights 32 wars and revolutions against the conservative regime fo the country for loses them all and signs a peace treaty with the government and spends the rest of his life in his workshop making gold-fishes. Jose Arcadio segundo from sixth generation of the family builds up a strike against the Banana Company, but Banana Company massacres three thousand workers (a reference to Banana Massacre happened in 1928) and only Jose Arcadio remains alive. He gets amazed by the fact that no one in the village believes that the massacre has happened, he gets disappointed and spends rest of his life in the room of Melquiades deciphering the parchments. Aureliano from sixth generation engages in incestuous relations with his aunt Amaranta unknowingly (read about their relationship) and Ursula’s ancient fear comes true (read about Ursula’s fear). Their son born with pig’s tail and Amaranta dies after giving birth to the baby, and later their son gets eaten by the red ants. And Aureliano starts deciphering the parchments in Melquiades’ room and found out that the history of the family has been written their.

Themes and Symbols

The themes and symbols in One Hundred Years of Solitude are complex and interconnected. Some of the most important ones include:

Writing Style

The writing style of One Hundred Years of Solitude is characterized by its use of magical realism. Magical realism is a literary style that blends elements of realism with fantasy or the supernatural. In One Hundred Years of Solitude, García Márquez uses magical realism to create a world that is both believable and strange.

Some of the specific techniques that García Márquez uses to create this effect include:

The writing style of One Hundred Years of Solitude is one of its most distinctive features. It is a style that is both lyrical and evocative, and it helps to create a unique and unforgettable reading experience.

In addition to the use of magical realism, García Márquez also employs other literary techniques in One Hundred Years of Solitude, such as:


The novel received international acclaim, winning literary prizes across the world:

And was also key factor in winning Gabriel Garcia Marquez a Nobel Prize in 1982.


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